How Long is a Hockey Game?

How Long is a Hockey Game? A Breakdown of Game Duration

When you play hockey for the first time, you may have a question “So, how long do hockey games last?” Well, it is a bit more involved than just providing a straight answer and would depend upon the type of game (such as the NHL and other leagues) as well as the circumstances that can lead to the game being extended or shortened. But do not fret, we are here to sort everything out and regard every single detail that goes into planning your schedule around the game.

Normal Duration of a Hockey Game

Hockey matches are organized into three periods of 20 minutes each and therefore have timed element of an hour. This is the case for regulation playtime in a standard match. However, there is more to hockey matches than meets the eye, and these timetables do not factor in breaks, halts, or even possible overtime. As you can see there are so many more angles to consider when deciding how long a hockey game lasts.


3 Periods of 20 minutes = 60 minutes of hockey regulation play time

Intermissions between periods = 17-20 minutes are the most common

Add in intermissions for goals scored, penalties, and reviews.

Estimated Time – Actual

An average NHL match that factors in breaks in between and halts combined with intermissions will, in general, range from 2 to 2.5 hours of playtime.

Reasons That Might Extend Gameplay Time

There are different case scenarios where the estimated time involved in a hockey game may be more than normal. Here is something to keep in mind:

  1. Overtime And Shootouts

If there’s a draw at the end of the regulation time, NHL regular season games go into a five-minute overtime period, which is played 3 v 3. If a winner is still not decided, it can end in a shoot out. This rule can add around 10-15 minutes to the clock.

  1. Stoppages of Play

An elimination of play occurs every time a whistle is blown. This includes, but is not limited to, offsides, icing, penalty calls, and reviewing goals. Each call adds time to the game.

  1. Televised Games

If you are watching an NHL game on the television, you need to be prepared to sit through more than just the game itself. Additional time is added for scheduled TV timeouts which allow for advertisements to play in between the action.

Length of Hockey Match based on Leagues

Are you interested in game duration? Different hockey leagues may not have the same set of rules, so the duration can vary from league to league.

NHL Games: Around 2 to 2.5 hours

College Hockey: Approximately 2 hours (rough estimate based on stoppages)

Youth Recreational Hockey: Often focuses on shorter breaks (15 minutes each), with an overall duration of approximately 1.5 hours, including breaks.

Few Reminders for Getting the Most out of a Hockey Game

If this is your first time going to watch a live game, here are some tips to consider:

Come on Time: Make sure to give yourself some time to settle in, grab a bite to eat, and enjoy the atmosphere before the match starts.

Extra Time: Hockey and any other games at this level can go to overtime; be prepared and ready if this happens.

Bring Warm Things: Hockey can get pretty intense and so does being in the arena, so make sure to bring a jacket or a blanket.


Watching a hockey game at first glance drawed is going to be 60 minutes of fun, in reality hockey matches have a duration of 2 hours to 2.5 hours. This extra time is where the dramatic pacing comes into play, the audible tension as goals are scored, and earns overtime for the game, elevating the game to an enthusiastic ceremony.

A now you know how long a hockey match lasts, it should be no surprise how engaging this sport is. Like any other viewer, feel free to get your tickets and attend the match or watch it. You will surely enjoy it.

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