Kashmir Holiday

Mistakes To Be Avoided While Going for Kashmir Holiday

Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places to visit in India. However, there are certain common mistakes people make while planning their Kashmir trip which can spoil their holiday experience. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 mistakes to avoid when visiting Kashmir so you can make the most of your Kashmir Holiday.

Choosing wrong time of visit

Choosing wrong time of visit can ruin your Kashmir trip. Kashmir has a temperate climate but weather can change suddenly. Summer months get very hot while winters are freezing cold with heavy snowfall that makes travel difficult. Most tourists visit during peak seasons like summer and winter without considering how extreme the weather conditions can be which often leads to discomfort and frustration with their vacation plans. It is best to plan your visit during spring (March-May) or autumn (September-October) when weather is pleasant and mild with warm sunny days and cool nights that allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of Kashmir without worrying about heat waves or snow storms. Visiting during off-peak seasons also means avoiding large crowds and getting better deals on hotels and flights.

Not booking accommodation in advance

Not booking accommodation in advance can really limit your options when visiting popular tourist destinations like Kashmir. With millions visiting each year, the most desirable locations and properties fill up very quickly during peak season. Travelers who wait until the last minute to find a place to stay often end up with less-than-ideal arrangements, far from the attractions they wanted to explore. Planning and reserving rooms or houseboats well ahead of time allows visitors to Kashmir to truly relax and enjoy their vacation without the stress of uncertain lodging. Advance booking ensures the best available accommodations and locations for enjoying the natural beauty and culture of Dal Lake and beyond.

Not researching activities and places

Kashmir packages from Pune offers a variety of sightseeing, adventure activities and experiences depending on season. Many tourists land up without any plan or information which leads to missing out on top attractions. Proper research about places, activities, timings and local transport helps create an itinerary.

Relying only on online maps

Road and weather conditions in Kashmir tours from Pune can change quickly which may impact travel plans. Using only online maps to navigate can misguide you. It is better to hire a local guide who is aware of current conditions and alternative routes. They also share valuable information about local culture and history.

Not carrying basic medicines

Due to remote locations and sudden weather changes, basic medical issues are common in Kashmir. Many tourists fall sick due to not carrying essential medicines, first-aid kit and extra clothes/blankets. It is important to be prepared for any medical emergencies during your trip.


Kashmir is an incredible destination but certain mistakes can ruin your experience. With proper planning and by avoiding the common pitfalls mentioned above, you can make the most of your Kashmir holiday. Do thorough research, book accommodations and activities in advance, hire local guides and carry necessary supplies. With the best Pune to Kashmir tour package, you can have an enjoyable, comfortable and memorable holidays.

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